Hello! I'm a boat! I like sailing! My crew like finding delicious food and drink but they tend to leave me behind as I can't really fit into restaurants (or their outside space).

In 2014 I went to Brittany and I liked France so much I've decided to back again in 2015. This time I've told the crew to document it as they go instead of promising to write it up afterwards then never getting around to it. Let's see how well they do.

You can find out our latest position by looking at our map, which updates automatically (provided we remember to turn the tracker on) because telling people where you are is useful for both safety reasons and bragging.

Great Expectations

Posted on Jun 4

After almost a week of work and waiting on parts in the Millbrook boatyard, SV Ellipsis is no longer a boat of the future - the electric generator has been ripped out and propulssion now in the hands of something much more ususal in the world of marine...